Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Underlying Spiritual Battle in Sunday School

Battling with personal struggles, I memorized 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Bringing every thought into captivity into the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obediance is fulfilled. " I'm seeing how much every struggle in my life should be fought with our spiritual weapons which are soooooooooooooooooooooo much more powerful than carnal, because my life is 100% spiritual!

This past week, God's been asking me to get up early to pray for my Sunday school kids. I have been, most days. Last night I stayed up kind of late because I couldnt think of approprate games and visuals to go with the story, Feeding of the 5000 and how we need to share Gods word with others! I sensed that I needed to pray all the more, and that there was something that Satan was trying to discourage me over. This morning, I was much to tired at 6:30 to pray. I was SO emotionally exhausted that I didn't really even want to pray. But, realizing it was the devil trying to stop me from God's work, I did anyway. And am I ever glad I did!

After the service, I went to the classroom. Utter chaos. When all the kids got there, I had 18 K-2ed graders. My 13 year old helper wanted to let the kids tackle him more than he put effort into help teach... Jessica, my strong-willed child who is allergic to practically everything, coincidently wanted to eat everything!! (The classroom does have a lot of candy and food belonging to the school teacher.) Her dad was teaching 2&3s next door, and didnt have a much help either. I knew I couldn't send her over there to disrupt his class.

Sooooooo it was like: Ate Spongebob candy from the teacher's desk, Crabby Patty candy in the trash, apologized to me and to God for stealing, time out. Crabby Patty out of garbage and into mouth, spit it out in the trash, moved to another timeout. Hit someone, time out. Talked and prayed, out of time out and hit someone, time out. Snuck out of classroom, timeout. Out of time out, forcefully would not share toy mice, time out. Stole a cookie that may have had traces of peanuts, timeout. Held wiggly girl on lap while kids colored page and we (tried to) talk about God's love and power for self-control.

But Jessica was not the only one who demanded attention! Her sister Johanna wanted to follow her disobedience! Trying to run out of class to her dad next door who also had his hands full, Johanna was in time and on my lap a lot too! "I want my dad..." "I know, but hes teaching too." "I want my dad!" "I understand, but we are going to have so much fun and learn so much today!" "I want my dad..." and on and on and on...

Meanwhile, Leam has some major trouble trying to get down the ladder. Please, kids, do not stand or sit on the counters. No running in class, someones going to get hurt. Micah, Caleb, and Christopher think its the most awesome idea to play tackle dog pile while yelling as loud as they can, and then hide Micah's shoes. As I'm talking to Milly who is complaining that Elam stole her doll, I realize that the tower of boys in the dog pile is getting MUCH too rowdy! Asking Micah to get up and the boys off of him, more kids come in!! Praying constantly for strength and wisdom, I see that we are ready to start class.

Could go into greater detail about how class was..... but that was how it was the entire time. We had about three group talks like: "Put your hand on your head if your listening. *1 min later* I still see kids with hands not on heads. *1 min later* Okay. Guys, its too rowdy in here today. We need to settle down, okay? No running or standing on chairs or tables. Eyes up here. What are some ways we can pay attention to the Bible lesson?"

I left wondering if and praying that some of them would take something to heart. As I was leaving, Leam ran to give me a hug goodbye. After he let go, I asked him "Did you like Sunday school?" "Yeah!!" "What was your favorite part?" "Snack!!!" "Oh yeah? What was the lesson on?" "Sharing!" Okay, maybe he did understand, some. I guess I wont ever know what God does in the hearts of children I teach.

Back at lunch, Kristine asked, "Isnt there that verse that says not to give up when teaching?" "You mean 1 Corinthians 15:58- be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in love, knowing that your labor for the Lord is not in vain?" "Yeah! hahaha." Shes right anyway. And the battle isn't ours, nor is it physical. I'm going to take up the armor of God so that I can stand against these wiles! Praying continuously!

1 comment:

Stephanie Marie said...

I haven't read your post yet, but I'm commenting on your comment: I needed that reminder! Thank you SO much! I'm working to keep my focus on God...I think. :) My heart is deceitful, and very wicked.