Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happiness of Trusting in God

I will bless my God all the time! His praise is what I'm going to speak of continually.
Look at what God has done! Look at who God is! How magnificent He is!
I will only boast in the Lord, being humble and glad before Him.
Please, will you sing His praise with me? Together, lets exalt Him!!

I search for God earnestly. He hears me and delivers me from my fears and worries.
I've seen that those who look to God receive joy, and do not have to be ashamed before Him.
In my poverty of heart, I cry to God. God hears me and saves me from my trouble.
Angels guard over me as I trust in God, delivering me from demons and their lies.

Come on, let's delight in the Lord! Taste, see how good He is! Trust in Him!
Fear Him, for He is almighty. What more could you want other than His blessings?
This is true: Those who don't fear and seek God die of spiritual starvation. Really.
But those who seek God will not lack any good thing. God gives them every good thing.

I long to teach the children the fear of the Lord. Please don't withhold this good from them!!
Who loves life? God gives life to those who obey. Who wants to live a long time?
Don't speak of evil - not a hint!! Keep yourself from speaking deceit and lies!
Leave evil, even evil games, and don't go back. Seek peace, yes, pursue peace!

God watches the righteous and He hears them when they cry. He is attentive to help them.
But those who are doing evil? Not so! He will cut them off, not even want to remember them.
The Lord is so close to the one with a broken heart, a shattered heart. Do you know this?
The Lord saves the sinner who now has a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement!!!

Those living in righteousness have many hurts, but God delivers them from all of it in His time!
Those who live evil will also die because of their evil. Don't be deceived by prosperity preaching.
Check out what God does: gives redemption for the souls of His servants!!
No one who trusts and depends on God will be condemned. Depend on God for life.

(Truths From Psalm 34)

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